Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Metal Gear Solid 4-Review By Lascelle Legend


There's not much to be said about the Metal Gear Solid franchise that hasn't been said before. With each installment players are able to find themselves immersed in an experience that they will never forget. Somehow, someway series creator Hideo Kojima has found a way to take everything that we know and love about the Metal Gear series and elevate it to a new level. In Metal Gear Solid 4 players are given a totally new and rich experience that is different yet at the same time totally familiar. Veterans of the series will note that problems and complaints that have been brought about throughout the years, have been addressed and fixed in the most brilliant of ways. Gameplay, Story, Technical problems have all been eliminated in this latest installment and we thank Mr. Kojima and his team for taking our concerns into consideration.


Thats Actually A Chick


In MGS4 players will find themselves in the shoes of Solid (Old) Snake as he completes his final mission. The assassination of his Twin brother Liquid Snake, who is now going by the name of Liquid Ocelot. Players will find that MGS4 has taken on a more Third Person Shooter type of gameplay but the essential stealth elements of the series are still there, only this time players now have the choice on how to approach a situation. Should I go in there like Solid Snake or should I go in as a commando? The story of MGS4 sets out to answer all of the questions that have ever been raised throughout the series history. Questions like "Why is Vamp still alive" "Who are The Patriots" "And for God's sake why is Solid Snake old?". However, it is recommended that players who are just jumping straight into MGS4 with no idea of it's extremely twisty and deep story should either go out and buy the past games in the recently released Essential Package,or watch the series history on one of the Youtube vids on our Video bar. One thing is for sure fans of the series will not be disappointed with how everything in the MGS universe plays out in this sequel.

Presentation: 10


The Game Looks and Plays Like This


The visuals that accompany this masterpiece are simply brilliant. MGS4 is probably the most impressive looking game ON ANY console to date. The animations of the characters are life-like that you sometimes forget you're playing a game and not watching a live-action movie. In some areas the environments will have an effect on your camera. If you find yourself in a dusty area you will start seeing dust particles resting on the camera lenses. These visuals are nothing less then stunning as everything is so crisp and sharp that no still-image can do the game any justice whatsoever. To truly appreciate MGS4's beauty you have to experience it in motion.

Graphics: 10 



The soundtrack of MGS4 is probably the best I've ever heard in a game. Series composer and legend Harry Gregson-Williams makes an outstanding return to the series with some of his best work yet. The true beauty of the game's sound lies within its use of product placement. For some reason or another entertainment giant Apple has decided to include their Ipod and Imac products in this game. While the Macs remain unusable to the players, the ipod feature is totally customizable and enables the ability to listen to any MGS song in its entirety and enables them to build their own MGS-custom soundtrack. The voice acting is top-notch with David Hayter making a return to voice Snake's gravel-like voice with the rest of the VA cast meeting and in Christopher Randolph's (Otacon) case exceeding Hayter's standard. The one word to describe the talent in this game would have to either be exceptional or frightening.

Sound: 10


Use Cover or Guns Blazing YOUR CHOICE


One of the complaints that many had with the MGS series was that its gameplay mechanisms sometimes made it a chore to play. Most complaints were targeted toward the awkward camera and shooting aspects. To say the least the creative team behind the game have listened to critics and have revamped the gameplay in its entirety. While still being able to remember it's roots as a stealth game, MGS4 was able to take on some Third-Person shooter elements to increase the fun factor of its gameplay. Adopting a more over the shoulder aiming mechanism, the gun-battle segments of MGS4 have only intensified and as a result players will sometimes want to forego the stealth and opt for a round of Commando-like kills. 

Gameplay: 10


Boss Battles are EPIC

Lasting Appeal

When everything is said and done with the single player aspect of MGS4, players have the option of going through it again to try and get a better ranking from the game's ranking system and experience various Easter Eggs planted throughout the course of the game. Players can dive right into the online multiplayer of MGO which aside from a few hitches is as deep as any multiplayer experience available on the market that will keep you invested and entertained long after you're done with the Single Player adventure.

Lasting Appeal: 10


Give me your wallet!

In all honesty, I don't think you could get an understanding of how great an experience MGS4 is unless you try it out for yourself and see what all the hype is about. Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions have outdone themselves and every other developer this generation with MGS4. Play it, Love it, Live it, Experience it.

Presentation: 10

Graphics: 10

Gameplay: 10

Sound and Music: 10

Lasting Appeal: 10

Overall: 10/10



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